@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000418, author = {畑中, 詩織 and Shiori, Hatanaka and 松本, 知子 and Tomoko, Matsumoto}, journal = {熊本大学社会文化研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper focuses on the present perfect tense, which is difficult for Japanese learners of English. Correlation between the comprehension of this tense and English proficiency, general grammar knowledge, and vocabulary size is examined using a sample of Japanese university students. Students’ explicit knowledge of the tense and experience of learning it are also examined. Measures included a present perfect tense comprehension test, a grammar test, and an additional questionnaire. Correlations were plotted using scores from these measures and scores from the TOEIC-IP and V-check (vocabulary size test). The results showed that present perfect comprehension had a weak relationship with reading skills and grammar knowledge, and no relationship with listening skills and vocabulary size. The questionnaire showed that the top- and bottom-performing groups on the present perfect comprehension test had similar learning experiences and a similar amount of knowledge of the tense.}, pages = {135--153}, title = {大学生の現在完了形の理解度 : 文法力・英語熟達度・語彙サイズとの関係}, volume = {22}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ハタナカ, シオリ and マツモト, トモコ} }