@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022016, author = {黒田, 規敬 and 杉本, 豊成 and 茂木, 巌 and 渡辺, 和雄 and Hasanudin and Kuroda, Noritaka and 杉本, 豊成 and Sugimoto, Toyonari and 茂木, 巌 and Mogi, Iwao and 渡辺, 和雄 and Watanabe, Kazuo}, issue = {3}, journal = {Synthetic Metals}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), Pressure dependence of infrared absorption has been measured in Cs2TCNQ3 single crystals grown under magnetic field of 5 T (5 T crystals). The behavior of the C-CN as well as C-H stretching modes suggest that there occurs a phase transition which resembles to the one related to the insulator to metal transition in the crystals grown without magnetic field (0 T crystals). This transition, however, takes place at 4.1 GPa, slightly higher than the case of 0 T crystals. The charge transfer degree of the neutral and radical molecules are found to be ρ = 0.30-0.37 and 0.81-0.85, respectively, which are significantly different from that of 0 T crystals. These differences are suggested to arise from the changes in the relative positions of the TCNQ molecules, as indicated from the behavior of the EMV mode., http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/504105/description#description}, pages = {307--312}, title = {High-pressure infrared absorption in Cs2TCNQ3 crystals grown under magnetic field}, volume = {148}, year = {2005}, yomi = {スギモト, トヨナリ and モギ, イワオ and ワタナベ, カズオ} }