@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022387, author = {Nagao, Satoru and 永尾, 悟}, journal = {文学部論叢}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), In his revision of Sanctuary, William Faulkner added the scene of the lynching of Lee Goodwin, who is wrongly accused of the murder and the rape that Popeye has committed. The scene clearly shows the novel's shift in emphasis away from Horace Benbow's inner conflicts to the realities of a community in the early twentieth-century American South that are exhibited through the rape and the lynching. This thesis, focusing on the rape, the trial and the lynching, argues that traditional gender codes in Yoknapatawpha County lead to the dysfunction of the justice system and are inextricably associated with vigilantism. Both the male audience in the county's courthouse and the lynching mob outside of it attempt to protect their communal value of "sacred " "womanhod" through their insistence on protecting the rape victim, Temple Drake. The rape case in Sanctuary, therefore, illuminates the structure of male dominance over female sexuality and exposes the blurring of the boundaries between legality and illegality.}, pages = {105--115}, title = {『サンクチュアリ』における「法」と共同体}, volume = {100}, year = {2009} }