@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023281, author = {Tanaka, Hitoshi and 宮縁, 育夫 and Miyabuchi, Yasuo and 本多, 栄喜 and Honda, Eiki and 林, 智洋 and Hayashi, Tomohiro and 早川, 祐貴 and Hayakawa, Yuki and 田中, 均 and 宮縁, 育夫 and Miyabuchi, Yasuo and 本多, 栄喜 and Honda, Eiki and 林, 智洋 and Hayashi, Tomohiro and 早川, 祐貴 and Hayakawa, Yuki}, journal = {熊本大学教育学部紀要 自然科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), The investigated area is geotectonically occupied by the Shimanto Terrain of the Outer Zone of Southwest Japan, and is underlain by the alternating beds of sandstone and shale. This paper presents the results of detailed studies of the mechanism of slope failures in and around a large-scale abandoned forest (95.6ha) after clear-cutting, southern Kumamoto Prefecture. General speaking, intense rainfall, relief, slope angle, slope form, and slope exposure are recognized as factors in slide formation and distribution. The slope failures have no relevance to the abandoned forest after clear-cutting. However, the failures have a connection with logging and road constraction, i.e. road-cut failure, road-prism, road-fill failure and colluviums slide. Large-scale colluviums slide movement is thought to begin at the scar head along multiple slip planes in saturated, relatively shallow, cohesionless soil. There is no doubt that a small-scale slide activity will continue in the feature.}, pages = {13--19}, title = {熊本県南部の大面積皆伐跡地周辺域における斜面崩壊のメカニズム}, volume = {58}, year = {2009}, yomi = {ミヤブチ, ヤスオ and ホンダ, エイキ and ハヤシ, トモヒロ and ハヤカワ, ユウキ and ミヤブチ, ヤスオ and ホンダ, エイキ and ハヤシ, トモヒロ and ハヤカワ, ユウキ} }