@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023875, author = {Yamagiwa, Yoshinobu and Takatsuji, Wataru and Nakaoka, Motonobu and 古川, 憲治, and Furukawa, Kenji and 山際, 秀誠 and 高辻, 渉 and 中岡, 元信 and 古川, 憲治}, issue = {1}, journal = {日本水処理生物学会誌}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), Dye-industry wastewaters contain high levels of organic nitrogen derived from urea. Thus, effective nitrogen removal methods are needed to meet regulatory standards prior to discharging effluent to receiving water bodies. A novel nonwoven support-surrounded cell (SSC) process was developed and continuous treatment experiments were conducted using a bench-scale SSC reactor. Nitrification efficiencies of the SSC treatment process using activated-sludge seeds from domestic and dye-industry wastewater treatment plants were about 22% and 55%, respectively. These efficiencies, though, could not be maintained more than 20 days. By adding NaHCO3 as an inorganic carbon source, nitrification efficiency could be improved to about 62%, but this could not be maintained more than 25days. In additions, dye chemicals and dye-reduction inhibitors added to the influent wastewater had no effect on nitrification and denitrification reactions. High nitrification efficiencies, however, could be maintained for more than 100 days by supplementing phosphorus to the influent wastewater. Using a synthetic dye wastewater supplemented with inorganic carbon, phosphoric acid, and organic carbon at 1.5 times of total-nitrogen, a total-nitrogen removal efficiency of about 56% was obtained., 捺染染色廃水には尿素由来の有機態窒素が高濃度で含まれているため、その窒素除去が大きな課題となっている。我々はポリエステル製不織布を固定化担体とした固定化材を開発し、合成染色廃水の連続硝化・脱窒処理試験を行った。終末処理場の汚泥を用いた場合と染色業の廃水処理設備から採取した汚泥を用いた場合では、硝化率はそれぞれ約22%と約55%になったが、20日以上は安定した処理はできなかった。無機態炭素の添加により、硝化率は約62%にアップしたが、25日以上の安定した処理はできなかった。染料や還元防止剤は硝化・脱窒に大きく影響せず、リン源を添加することにより、100日以上の長期間、安定した高い硝化率を維持することができた。リン酸を含む合成染色廃水を用いると、TNに対し、1.5倍量のTOC源を添加することにより、約56%の脱窒率を達成できた。, http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jswtb/41/1/_contents/-char/ja/}, pages = {1--7}, title = {汚泥付着固定化材を用いた染色廃水からの窒素除去}, volume = {41}, year = {2005}, yomi = {フルカワ, ケンジ} }