@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023969, author = {Obara, Yuzo and 尾原, 祐三 and Nishiyama, Erumu and Kang, SeongSeung and Obara, Yuzo and 尾原, 祐三 and 西山, えるむ and 姜, 聲承}, issue = {12}, journal = {資源と素材}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), A high-resolution borehole tilt-meter is introduced to measure the inclination of rock slope at an open pit limestone mine, and the movement of rock slope is analyzed based on the measured results from the tilt-meter and numerical results by a three-dimensional boundary element method (3D-BEM). Firstly, the applicability of tile-meter to monitor the movement of rock slope due to a bench-cut excavation is investigated by 3D-BEM and the required accuracy of a tilt-meter is made clear. Then a high-resolution borehole tilt-meter is introduced and explained. Secondly, based on the measured results for nine months in a limestone mine, the mechanical behavior of rock slope is analyzed. The general mechanical behavior of rock slope due to excavation of a bench is then analyzed by 3D-BEM. Finally, using the results of measurement and numerical analysis, the mechanical behavior of rock slope is made clear. It is concluded that a high-resolution borehole tilt-meter is applicable to monitor the movement of rock slope in a short period., http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/shigentosozai/122/12/122_582/_article/-char/ja/}, pages = {582--588}, title = {高感度傾斜計による岩盤斜面モニタリングと挙動分析}, volume = {122}, year = {2006}, yomi = {オバラ, ユウゾウ and オバラ, ユウゾウ} }