@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023982, author = {Maeda, Hitomi and Nagata, Manami and Oosige, Kazuyo and Kouya, Fumiko and Sugitani, Kaoru and Noda, Shinobu and Ootaguro, Kozue and Nishida, Touko and Hashimoto, Tomomi and 松本, 麻子 and Matsumoto, Asako and Maeda, Hitomi and 前田, ひとみ and 永田, まなみ and 大重, 和代 and 神谷, 文子 and 杉谷, かおる and 野田, 忍 and 太田黒, 梢 and 西田, 陶子 and 橋本, 智美 and 松本, 麻子 and Matsumoto, Asako}, journal = {熊本大学医療技術短期大学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), In order to evaluate the effects of the clinical practice of student nurses on the formation of their concept of nursing, we investigated it in two different student nurses before and after their clinical practices. In addition, we also investigated whether student nurse's concept of nursing was different from that of the nurse of hospital in which they had clinical practice., 今回我々は、看護学生の看護観の形成に影響する臨地実習の因子を明らかにするために、異なる病院において臨地実習を行っているニ校の看護学生について臨地実習前後における看護観を比較し、さらに各臨地実習施設の看護婦の看護観と看護学生の相違を検討した。}, pages = {11--19}, title = {臨地実習が看護学生の看護観に及ぼす影響}, volume = {10}, year = {2000}, yomi = {マツモト, アサコ and マエダ, ヒトミ and マツモト, アサコ} }