@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024196, author = {Takamoto, Yayoi and 國友, 隆二 and Kunitomo, Ryuji and Sassa, Toshiharu and 坂口, 尚 and Sakaguchi, Hisashi and Hagiwara, Syoichiro and 森山, 周二 and Moriyama, Shuji and Takaji, Kentaro and 川筋, 道雄 and Kawasuji, Michio and 高本, やよい and 國友, 隆二 and 佐々, 利明 and 坂口, 尚 and 萩原, 正一郎 and 森山, 周二 and 高志, 賢太郎 and 川筋, 道雄}, issue = {6}, journal = {日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), Bacterial endopthalmitis is associated with risk for poor visual prognosis, however, it is rarely combined with infective endocarditis. A 66-year-old man underwent pacemaker implantation and received antibiotic therapy due to persistent fever. A month after the pacemaker implantation, he was admitted to our hospital because of disturbance of vision and consciousness. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) with decrease of platelet count was also present. His eyes were reddish and swelled, and the conjunctiva were turbid and edematous in both sides. Transesophageal echocardiography demonstrated 18×13mm pendulous verruca originating from the tricuspid annulus. The patient underwent concomitant resection and repair of the tricuspid valve and removal of both infected eyes after DIC treatment. The postoperative course was uneventful and he was discharged from the hospital 43 days after the operation. We conclude that careful observation of the eyes may be needed for patients with infective endocarditis when they have some visual symptoms., 細菌性眼内炎は予後不良で失明にいたることが多いが,感染性心内膜炎と眼内炎の合併は希であり文献的にも報告は少ない.今回われわれは,眼内炎と三尖弁位感染性心内膜炎を合併した症例を経験したので報告する.症例は66歳,男性.Adams-Stokes発作を伴う完全房室ブロックの診断でペースメーカー植込み術を受けたあと,発熱のため再入院し抗菌薬を投与されていた.植込み術1カ月後に視力障害,意識障害,血小板数低下を認めたため当院紹介となった. 入院時に両眼周囲発赤・腫脹と著明な結膜浮腫を認め,経食道心エコーでは三尖弁輪部に18×13mmの可動性に富むvegetationを認めた.DIC 治療後にペースメーカー抜去,三尖弁後尖切除・形成術と同時に両側眼球摘出術を施行した.ペースメーカーは心外膜リード式とした.経過は良好で術後43日目に退院した.感染性心内膜炎は失明の危険が高い細菌性眼内炎を合併することがあり,治療経過中の眼症状出現に注意する必要があると思われた., http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110006453957}, pages = {348--351}, title = {細菌性眼内炎により両眼摘出にいたった三尖弁位感染性心内膜炎の1例}, volume = {36}, year = {2007}, yomi = {クニトモ, リュウジ and サカグチ, ヒサシ and モリヤマ, シュウジ and カワスジ, ミチオ} }