@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024270, author = {田中, 紀美子 and Tanaka, Kimiko and 田中, 紀美子}, journal = {熊本大学医療技術短期大学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 精神障害者の現状を、事例にて”社会復帰に向けての支援”に視点をおいて、社会的・身体的・精神的条件、対象の生活課程などの情報を分析・アセスメント社会復帰上の問題を明確にした。, We discussed the relationships of the advancement of schizophrenia in middle-and advanced-aged schizophrenic patients, their emerging symptoms, and the problems that patients in long-range hospitalization face when rejoining society. Until now, under the influence of symptomology which is based largely on clinical observations of patients, understanding the conditions of schizophrenic patients meant only identifying any of the known schizophrenic symptoms. This lacked examination of the clinical course in each patients and of the cognitive growth that cause the symptoms. Consideration of the social life of each patient and the alleviating influence it has on their cognitive ability were inadequate in their treatment. Physical and mental effects of medications were also insufficiently considered. As a result, treatments were not satisfactory for the patients to be rehabilitated into society and they often suffered relapses. Adjusting the community's social environment and especially, the support of their family as the patients ages, as well as treatment, are vitally important to enable a comeback into their community.}, pages = {37--48}, title = {老いていく精神障害者が地域で暮らすための生活支援}, volume = {11}, year = {2001}, yomi = {タナカ, キミコ} }