@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024335, author = {内田, 武博 and 島村, 正道 and 船間, 芳憲 and 上田, 新也 and 天野, 敏夫}, journal = {熊本大学医学部保健学科紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {当施設では、RAOの術前にDDH例の股関節のAP像とFP像の立位および臥位のX線撮影を行っている。立位では臥位に比べて、大腿骨頭を臼蓋間の関節裂隙に狭小化がみられた症例を経験したが、立位X線撮影の有用性については不明である。そこで今回、この左DDH例を基に立位X線撮影の有用性を調べる目的で、X線撮影のAP像とFP像において、立位と臥位のX線像を比較検討した。その結果、DDHの関節裂隙は臥位像では正常な股関節とほぼ同じであったが立位像では著しい狭小化が認められたので報告する。, The hip joint radiography in supine position has been performed in most institutions. However, at the institution that makes an operation of osteotomy such as rotational acetabular osteotomy (RAO), hip joint radiography in upright position has been performed for the subsequent operation. We compared hip joint radiographs obtained in upright and supine positions, and then discussed the usefulness of hip joint radiography in upright position. The hip joint radiograph in supine position showed the articular space of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) was almost similar to that in a normal hip. But, the radiograph in upright position revealed a prominent narrowing of the articular space of DDH. Our results indicate that the hip joint radiography in upright position provides more useful clinical information than that in supine position.}, pages = {141--144}, title = {立位股関節X線撮影の有用性について}, volume = {3}, year = {2007}, yomi = {フナマ, ヨシノリ} }