@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024343, author = {寺岡, 祥子 and 吉田, 佳代 and 坂梨, 京子 and Sakanashi, Kyoko and 田島, 朝信}, journal = {熊本大学医学部保健学科紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {入院してきた産婦に対して、入院時診察として内診が施行される。この内診により、子宮口の開大度が調べられ、分娩進行状況が評価される。一般的に、分娩所要時間の予測には、子宮口開大度と分娩所要時間との関係を示したフリードマン曲線が用いられるが、ビショップスコアは頸管開大度のみでなく、展退度、児頭位置、頸部硬度、および子宮口位置の評価が可能であるので、これらの指標を用いて分娩所要時間を予測することがより適切のように考えられる。このビショップスコアが分娩所要時間の予測の指標になり得るか否かについて今回検討した。, We evaluated the correlation between the time needed for whole fully opening of the cervical os and the Bisohp score which consists of five parameters such as cervical dilation, cervical effacement, fetal head station, cervical consistency, and the direction of the cervical os in 139 primipara and 173 multipara. The results were shown in below. 1) Negative correlations between the times needed for whole opening of the cervical os and the five parameters were found in both primipara and multitara. 2) There were significant (p<0.0001 and p<0.0001) negative correlations between the times needed for whole fully opening of the cervical os and the total scores obtained from the five parameters in both primipara and multipara. Two equations, that is, Y=-147X+2071 (r=-0.3707) in primipara and Y=-105.1X+1419 (r=-0.4043) in muitipara were obtained from these results. Above mentioned results suggest that Bisohp score is useful in the prediction of the time needed for whole opening of the cervical os.}, pages = {67--70}, title = {入院時ビショップスコアによる子宮口全開大までに要する時間の予測}, volume = {3}, year = {2007}, yomi = {サカナシ, キョウコ} }