@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024382, author = {中原, 久志 and Nakahara, Hisashi and Tsukamoto, Mitsuo and 塚本, 光夫 and Moriyama, Jun and 中原, 久志 and Nakahara, Hisashi and Tsukamoto, Mitsuo and 塚本, 光夫 and 森山, 潤}, journal = {熊本大学教育学部紀要 自然科学}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 本研究では、適応指導教室等で活用可能な、不登校の児童生徒向けの学習ソフトの開発を行う。開発する学習ソフトは、適応指導教室の指導員の負担にならない形式とすること、そして個々の児童生徒に対応できる内容であることを考慮した上で、適応指導教室の指導員を対象としたニーズ調査に基づいて仕様を策定することにした。, The purpose of this paper is to develop a multimedia presentation software for non-attendant students and to evaluate it by practicing learning activity. Recently, treatment of non-attendant students in school education is one of the serious issues in Japan. Teachers should support them from these aspects: support of learning, support of promoting social skills and support of mental health. As one of these, there is ICT utilization in classroom for non-attendant students. Therefore, multimedia presentation software was developed in order to support them from the above three aspects. This software has three functions, i.e. image presentation section, movie presentation section and text presentation section, based on blackboard system. Usage of this software was designed based on the cognitive characteristics of non-attendant students. As a result of trial practice by using this software, non-attendant students who took part in this activity could use this software without any difficulties. And, they could not only make presentation by this software, but also communicate naturally with their friends and instructors. In addition, the instructors gave affirmative evaluation to the software and proposed new some ideas of utilization of it.}, pages = {39--45}, title = {不登校児童生徒向けのマルチメディア型プレゼンテーション支援ソフトの開発と実践}, volume = {59}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ナカハラ, ヒサシ and ツカモト, ミツオ and ナカハラ, ヒサシ and ツカモト, ミツオ} }