@techreport{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024415, author = {小林, 一郎 and Kobayashi, Ichiro and 小林, 一郎}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 研究報告書, 過去に建設されてきた構造物の中には、構造上の欠陥があるために否定的に評価され、忘れ去られたものが数多く存在する。しかしこれらの事例を詳細に追うと、一見すると失敗例に見えるものが、実は設計者による独創的な問題解決の結果であったという例は多く見られる。これらの事例に学ぶには視点と手法が必要なのか。本研究では古生物学の方法論に倣いつつ、橋梁を例にとった古構造学の方法論を確立するための事例研究を実施した。, The purpose of this research is to establish the methodology of ‘Paleostructulogy’ in which we propose to analyze and to stock the forgotten structures in the history of technology. In general such structures are regarded as something of useless for the consideration of future development and are often abandoned. However, careful historical analysis shows us that these cases could be original ideas or solutions to overtake difficult conditions that the engineers have encountered in design process. How can we analyze and study such cases? Which type if point of view should we have? As the word ‘Paleostructulogy’ that we have named represents, the principal concept of this research is based on the paleontology which treats the creatures of the past. In a pilot study that the author had already taken, the concept and a part of methodology of the Paleostructulogy had been established. But the necessity of precise and general methodology lead us the latest two other case studies. Through the case studies and feeding back to the concept, we have finally reached to propose analyzing and recording chart as method of Paleostructulogy. Accumulation of the case studies by this chart would be the archives of ideas of abandoned structures.}, title = {古構造学の理論確立に向けた基礎的研究}, year = {2010}, yomi = {コバヤシ, イチロウ} }