@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024640, author = {堀, 満 and Hori, Mitsuru and 吉牟田, 聡子 and Yoshimuta, Satoko and 守山, 愛美 and Moriyama, Manami}, journal = {熊本大学政策研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論文では、桜木・桜木東校区をモデル地域として、地域住民の聞き取りや現地調査から、既存のバス路線と交通乗り換え拠点と連動した区バス導入について検討し、運行ルートやバス停留所の設定を試みた結果を報告するものである。区バス導入により、既存の路面電車・バス路線を結節することによる地域交通の利便性向上と、校区内の地域活動拠点までの移動手段を持つことにより地域活動に参加しやすくなる、すなわち地域のつながりによる創出の効果が期待できる。, In this paper, we explored a ward bus system in two areas, Sakuragi and Sakuragi-Higashi, as a model case. With the objective of improving the convenience of public transportation and developing more connected communities, we initially interviewed the residents in these two areas and observed the areas in order to identify the existing needs and resources. Based on the results, we identified routes including existing and new stops, and developed time schedules. Our proposed ward bus system is expected to be effective in improving public transportation accessibility and corresponds with existing bus routes. Moreover, with the new ward bus system, residents will be able to travel to community places more easily, which may increase activities among community residents and ultimately increase community connectedness.}, pages = {143--152}, title = {熊本市の地域住民をつなぐ区バスのあり方}, volume = {2}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ホリ, ミツル and ヨシムタ, サトコ and モリヤマ, マナミ} }