@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024902, author = {内田, 武博 and Uchida, Takehiro and 島村, 正道 and Shimamura, Masamichi and 船間, 芳憲 and Funama, Yoshinori and 阿蘇品, 昌昭 and Asoshina, Masaaki and 上田, 新也 and Ueda, Shinya and 平嶋, 豊 and Hirashima, Yutaka and 矢野, 康博 and Yano, Yasuhiro and 天野, 敏夫 and Amano, Toshio}, journal = {熊本大学医学部保健学科紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {In September 2008, hardcopy printing (film diagnosis) was replaced by softcopy reading (monitor diagnosis) at our facility. The softcopy reading enabled to lower radiography conditions in the child hip joint and to reduce more child exposure dose than we previously examined. In this study, the reduction of exposure dose in the present softcopy reading of the child hip joint was discussed using the same method as our previous report on hardcopy printing. This study indicates that the present softcopy reading enables to reduce exposure dose to approximately 44% of dose in the conventional hardcopy printing and to about 10% of dose in a guideline for medical exposure of Japan Association of Radiological Technologist (JART).}, pages = {107--111}, title = {ソフトコピー(モニタ)診断における小児股関節の被曝線量}, volume = {7}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ウチダ, タケヒロ and シマムラ, マサミチ and フナマ, ヨシノリ and アソシナ, マサアキ and ウエダ, シンヤ and ヒラシマ, ユタカ and ヤノ, ヤスヒロ and アマノ, トシオ} }