@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024953, author = {Kitazono, Yoshito and Nakasone, Noriko and Terazono, Tadahiko and 北園, 芳人 and Kitazono, Yoshito and 仲宗根, 典子 and 寺園, 忠彦}, issue = {1}, journal = {自然災害科学}, month = {May}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), Ground information databases have been of increasing interest in recent years. Due to the complexity of these databases, labor saving are of importance in their preparation. Also, due to the various applications that ground information databases can be utilized for, data must be easy to manipulate. Furthermore, analytical results must be easily discernible when they are put in diagram form for display purposes. Based on these considerations, Visual Basic is selected for developing the system in this project. The data for a ground information database which appeared to be correlated with primary causes of slope failures could be made in 50 m mesh unit. Simultaneously, slope failure histories were analyzed using Quantification Method Type II and slope failure risk evaluation points for every category were determined. Slope failure risk prediction for every mesh in the database was then evaluated using the slope failure risk evaluation point method., http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110002941509}, pages = {75--87}, title = {地盤情報データベースの作成と斜面崩壊予測への応用}, volume = {20}, year = {2001}, yomi = {キタゾノ, ヨシヒト} }