@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025038, author = {Sato, Seiichi and Matsubara, Keiji and 佐藤, 静一 and 松原, 恵治}, journal = {熊本大学教育実践研究}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), The present study was undertaken to investigate effects of the homeroom teacher's PM leadership type (PM, P, M, or pm) and its change on junior high school students' school morale. The data were obtained at 30 classes of four junior high schools. The main results are: 1. The students' morale was the highest in the classes with the PM-type teachers, followed by the classes with M-type and P-type teachers in this order, and the lowest in the classes with the pm-type teachers. These results were the same as in the study of elementary school teachers. 2. The students' morale went down when the teacher's leadership type changed from PM or M to P or pm, i. e., when the M score decreased to lower than the average.}, pages = {59--65}, title = {中学校学級担任教師のPM式指導行動類型とその変化が生徒の学校モラールに及ぽす効果}, volume = {9}, year = {1992} }