@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026290, author = {松本, 千晴 and Matsumoto, Chiharu and 西阪, 和子 and Nishisaka, Kazuko and 東, 清巳 and Higashi, Kiyomi and 日浦, 瑞枝 and Hiura, Mizue and 松本, 千晴 and 西阪, 和子 and Nishisaka, Kazuko and 東, 清巳 and 日浦, 瑞枝 and Hiura, Mizue}, journal = {熊本大学医学部保健学科紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), The aim of the study is to clarify the lower-leg functionality of elderly women and assess of the relationship between age, Body Mass Index (BMI) and Trial Making test (TMT). Eighty-nine (89) female elderly people, between 60 and 75 years of age, attending three community organizations in Minamata City of Kumamoto prefecture participated in the study. In July, 2011, those participants who provided written voluntary consent were asked to fill out a questionnaire concerning their demographic characteristics. In addition, they undertook physiological tests such as the Toe-gap Force and the Good Walker's Index test, which consists of 10-m walking time, Maximal Step Length (MSL), 40/20 cm step test, and tandem gait, as well as TMT for assessing executive function. The average age and BMI of participants was 67.1±3.5 and 23.1±2.7 respectively. Age showed correlation with MSL(p<0.05) and the 10-m walking time(p<0.01). BMI showed a negative correlation with MSL (p<0.01), the 10-m walking time (p<0.05) and 40/20 cm step test (p<0.05), while showing no correlation with the Toe-gap Force. TMT showed weak correlation with MSL(p<0.05), while showing no correlation with the Toe-gap Force. The participants in this study were attending community activities and were a quite active population. They showed high scores on the Good walker's Index compared with the average scores of same age group in the evaluation guidelines. It was suggested that achieving body weight control can be an effective method for maintaining the degree of mobility in these participants. Further study is needed to provide a model for sustaining and improving mobility in their daily lives.}, pages = {77--83}, title = {水俣市に住む高齢女性の下肢機能の実態}, volume = {8}, year = {2012}, yomi = {マツモト, チハル and ニシサカ, カズコ and ヒガシ, キヨミ and ヒウラ, ミズエ and ニシサカ, カズコ and ヒウラ, ミズエ} }