@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028190, author = {小池, 克明 and 鈴木, 敦巳 and 北園, 芳人 and Kitazono, Yoshito and Fatemi Aghda, Seyed Mahmoud and 小池, 克明 and Koike, Katsuaki and 鈴木, 敦巳 and Suzuki, Atsumi and Kitazono, Yoshito}, issue = {3}, journal = {情報地質 = Geological data processing}, month = {Sep}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), In this study, a low-cost, rapid and qualitative evaluation procedure using a fuzzy set analysis for assessment and prediction of liquefaction potential of saturated sandy grounds is presented. Eight items affectinlg liquefactiorn resistance of ground including geology, geomorphology, seismic (relative site amplification and intensitiy increments), and geotechnicail items (sandy layers thickness, water table level, thickness of surface layers, and type of soils) are considered to express the basic characteristics of liquefaction potential of the ground. These items are chosen and established from a review of the various literatures, engineering judgment, available statistical data, and previous observations of liquefaction in the world. A set of evaluation criteria was established or selected for each item and a total of eight factors is used in the proposed evaluation system. In the proposed evaluation system, liquefaction potential of ground is assessed and expressed in linguistitcs terms based on the considered criteria. Then the linguistic data is analysed by using fuzzy sets. The liquefactioin index is defined for assessment of liquefaction potential of soils. An example of application of the method is presented to liquefaction potential analysis of saturated soft ground in northwestern Iran (Gilan plain). The studied area was suffered catastrophic earthquake in June 1990, and the properties of the earthquake were widespread liquefaction several huge landslides and more than tens other slope failures. This study revealed that, the proposed method is able to predict the liquefaction of the ground for preparation of hazard potentil maps and zoning, which is useful for general hazard assessment and delineation of areas., 飽和した砂質地盤における液状化ポテンシャルの算出のために, ファジィ集合理論を用いた低コストで迅速な評価手法を検討した. このシステムでは, 表層地質, 地形, 地盤振動の増幅率・震度を含む地震工学的特性, および砂層の厚さ・地下水位・表土層の厚さ・土質を含む地盤工学的特性の8項目を用い, 各項目には液状化に対しての評価規準を設定した. 個々の評価基準は自然言語で表現されるので, これにメンバーシップ関数を与え, ファジィ集合演算によって液状化ポテンシャルを算出した. 本研究で提案する評価システムを, 1990年6月に地震の被害を被ったイラン北西部のGilan平野に適用した. 液状化ポテンシャルの高い部分は, この地震によって液状化した砂質地盤と概ね対応しており, 本システムの有用性が確かめられた.}, pages = {113--128}, title = {Geological Hazard Risk Assessment by Using Fuzzy Sets Theory}, volume = {5}, year = {1994}, yomi = {キタゾノ, ヨシヒト and コイケ, カツアキ and スズキ, アツミ} }