@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028647, author = {Sato, Hiroyasu and Yamaguchi, Yuji and Kitamura, Takeshi and 佐藤, 弘康 and 山口, 裕史 and 北村, 猛司}, journal = {熊本大学政策研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 歴史文化や自然、食文化など多くの魅力あふれる熊本を外国人が知らない理由は、情報が発信者から一方通行になり、受け手に届いていないからでないだろうか。そこで、熊本に魅了されそれを発信したくてたまらない外国人たちを外国人アンバサダーとして認定し、彼らと協力して、周囲の外国人に対してface to face、あるいはSNS(ソーシャル・ネットワーク・サービス)を活用し、熊本の魅力を発信する。また、外国人の視点からみた熊本の魅力を発見するイベントを動画にし、彼らに情報発信を行ってもらうことにより、生きた情報を多くの外国人に熊本を楽しく簡単に知ってもらう。こうした活動を組み合わせ新たな情報発信のモデルとし、海外からヒト・モノ・カネを集めたい。, Kumamoto is full of the charm, such as its history, arts, foods, culture in general, and nature. However, most of people from other countries do not know much about Kumamoto because the information is being provided in an one-way manner. We propose the system in which people form other countries who are attracted by Kumamoto for various reasons are to be appointed as ambassador; the system promotes them to send out the information about Kumamoto via SNS (social networking service) as well as face to face communication. Another scheme that we are proposing is the event in which people from other countries discuss various issues such as pop-cultures and so on. The event will enhance promotional activities to push the Kumamoto's charm from the participants, which may lead to increased popularity of Kumamoto. These proposed activities, strategically combined, will lead to increased visitors from other countries to Kumamoto and will also enhance economical activities between other countries and Kumamoto.}, pages = {101--105}, title = {外国人アンバサダー制度構築と新たな情報発信手法の提案}, volume = {5}, year = {2014} }