@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028746, author = {大杉, 成喜 and Osugi, Nariki and 大杉, 成喜 and Osugi, Nariki}, journal = {熊本大学教育学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 本研究は,わが国の特別支援学校の障害の極めて重い児童生徒の教育課程等(重度・重複障害教育課程,訪問教育課程)を有する学校に対して悉皆調査を行い,そのICT 活用の現状と課題を明らかにするものである., This study examined the use of ICT for children with severe and multiple disabilities in Japanese special school. A survey conducted to 888 special schools, and 425 schools responded. Among 425 schools, 276 schools were serving children with severe and multiple disabilities. However, 198 schools (71.7%) responded that they were using ITC for the students. On one hand, 21.2% of the schools were implementing ICT for school management and research activities and 18.7% implementing ICT for itinerant and distance education. On the other hand, 61.1% of schools were using for individual students learning. The survey revealed that a number of input / output devices such as switches and augmentative, alternative communication tools were used in schools. They were facing a lack of budget and professional expertise for better use of ICT. Low price and lightweight tablet PCs are expected to use in schools.}, pages = {151--158}, title = {重度・重複障害教育におけるICT活用の現状と課題}, volume = {63}, year = {2014}, yomi = {オオスギ, ナリキ and オオスギ, ナリキ} }