@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029356, author = {大杉, 成喜 and Osugi, Nariki and Nishimura, Kazuyuki and 大杉, 成喜 and 西村, 和幸}, journal = {熊本大学教育学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), This study examined guidance and counseling for students with disabilities in Japanese special high schools. The first survey conducted in 120 special schools in Kyushu Okinawa area, and 100 schools responded. Students’ discipline and behavior problems were reported 357 at 66 schools in the 2013 fiscal year. In those schools “special guidance” was implemented in 71.1% schools. Eighty schools responded that they had their own school disciplinary rules of conduct. The second survey was intended to 196 homeroom teachers of 18 special schools of Kumamoto Prefecture. Hundred fifty-one teachers (77.0%) responded on guidance and counseling. Teachers indicated discipline and behavior problems such as “mobile phone use”, “sex drive issues” and “violence.” Based on factor analysis about 14 questions for teachers' awareness of the guidance and counseling, three factors which describe variability in teachers' responses were identified as “efforts on discipline and behavior problems”, “enforcement of rules of conducts” and “enrichment of guidance and counseling.”, 本研究では、特別支援学校高等部段階の生徒指導の実態について調査を行うこととした. 第一調査では九州・沖縄地区8県の高等部を設置している特別支援学校の生徒指導の実態について、教育課程上の位置づけ、校則や生徒心得、生徒指導体制の状況、特別指導の現状を明らかにする. 第二調査では、熊本県内の特別支援学校高等部の担任が、生徒指導に関してどのような意識で取り組んでいるか、生徒指導上の問題としてどのようにとらえているかを問い、生徒指導上の諸問題、生徒指導に関する意識を明らかにする. この二つの調査を通して、特別支援学校高等部における生徒指導の現状と課題について考察したい.}, pages = {141--149}, title = {特別支援学校高等部における生徒指導の現状と課題}, volume = {64}, year = {2015}, yomi = {オオスギ, ナリキ} }