@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029378, author = {Terada, Kosei and 田中, 健太 and Tanaka, Kenta and Tsuru, Arisa and Tanaka, Hitoshi and 寺田, 昂世 and 田中, 健太 and Tanaka, Kenta and 津留, ありさ and 田中, 均}, journal = {熊本大学教育学部紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of “lateral fault model” and “apparent fold model” in aiding lower secondary school children to acquire the concept of fault and fold in their science study. We proposed new “lateral fault model” and “apparent fold model” considering the characteristics of the models proposed thus far. These models were developed to help the children easily visualize the concept of fault and fold, understand it intuitively when manipulating the teaching materials.  Lower secondary school students, after learning the character of fault and fold topography, identified the location of faults and folds using geological maps. Sampling fault topography encourages them to be aware of natural disasters and their prevention., 本研究では、熊本県の露頭で観察される地層教材を活用し、学習に有効なモデル教材の作成と、それを用いた授業実践を行った.}, pages = {329--337}, title = {中学校地学における地質構造学的内容の教材開発と授業実践 : 断層・褶曲形成モデルからのアプローチを例として}, volume = {64}, year = {2015}, yomi = {タナカ, ケンタ and タナカ, ケンタ} }