@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029593, author = {都竹, 茂樹 and Tsuzuku, Shigeki and Amano, Kei and Sonoda, Kentaro and 都竹, 茂樹 and Tsuzuku, Shigeki and 天野, 慧 and 園田, 賢太郎}, journal = {熊本大学政策研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 18~63歳の男性を対象に、自分の体重を負荷にした筋力トレーニング3種目と「和食・よく噛む・お茶お水」もしくは「和食・よく噛む・とるなら至福の間食」の3課題を1ヶ月間実施した。保健指導は、対面が初回の1回のみ、残りは自宅で各自実施した。継続を支援するために、2~3日に1回の支援メールを送付した。参加者34名のうち、事後アンケートを回答したものが17名。筋力トレーニングについては、65%が週に3回以上実施。食事については、和食の継続が難しいと回答した参加者が65%みられたが、よく噛むについては半数が、お茶お水・至福の間食については7割が実施できたと回答した。腹囲についても7割が減少した。, This study examined the effect of a 4-week non-instrumental slow movement resistance training program using body weight as a load. Food program was consisted of three parts; Japanese food, chew well, tea or water. Thirty four male volunteers aged 18-63 years were recruited via public relations magazine. The subjects were asked to train every day for 4 weeks according to a specified protocol involving a combination of upper and lower body. 65% of subjects completed resistance training more than three times per week. However, 65% of subjects answerd that Japanese food was difficult for eat every time. After the intervention, 70% of subjects reported the decrease of waist size.}, pages = {15--24}, title = {男性を対象にした1ヶ月間の生活習慣病予防・改善プログラムの実施報告}, volume = {7}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ツヅク, シゲキ and ツヅク, シゲキ} }