@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029596, author = {Abe, Miwa and 安部, 美和}, journal = {熊本大学政策研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 昭和47(1972)年7月に発生した梅雨前線の影響で、西日本を中心に豪雨災害が発生した。熊本県天草地域も土砂災害に見舞われ、平地の少ない地域での住宅再建を余儀なくされた。この水害を契機に成立されたのが、防災のための集団移転促進事業に係る国の財政上の特別措置等に関する法律であり、現在も自然災害後集団移転を伴う復興の際には、この事業が実施されている。本稿では、この制度成立に至る過程を文献調査及びインタビュー調査をもとに整理し、集団移転事業の意味と、その後の人びとのくらしについて考察する。, Act Concerning the Special Fiscal Measures for the Promotion of Collective Relocation for Disaster Prevention went into effect in December 1972 in Japan following the flood disaster that occurred in the Kyushu to Tohoku areas in 1972. Prior to 1972, disaster recovery policy was seen as 'rebuilding' policy, however, the Act gave disaster recovery policy a new definition, which is 'build back better' policy. This study examines the process and satisfaction of collective relocation of the impacted people in the Amakusa where is island located in western Kyushu, Japan. The characteristic of this resettlement is that for the recovery of community people who were affected by mudflow, their relocated land prepared by landfill of the coastal because of not enough land space in island. Resettlement with landfill was first case in Japan. Through literature review by local newspaper and documents of government, and interviews, this study show that relocation impact to people and government officers as well as the challenges of collective for disaster prevention over the 40 years following relocation.}, pages = {75--86}, title = {天草市倉岳における水害被害と集団移転 : 制度整備の過程と現在のくらし}, volume = {7}, year = {2016} }