@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029929, author = {Miyabuchi, Yasuo and 杉山, 真二 and Sugiyama, Shinji and 宮縁, 育夫 and Miyabuchi, Yasuo and 杉山, 真二 and Sugiyama, Shinji}, issue = {1}, journal = {第四紀研究}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), 阿蘇カルデラ東方域に位置するテフラ断面において、土壌層の各種分析と植物珪酸体分析を行い、最近約3万年間の植生変遷について検討した。土壌層の産状、植物珪酸体総数・組成の変化から、調査断面は下位よりZone 3(32~30cal ka)、Zone 2(30~13.5cal ka)、Zone 1(13.5cal ka以降)の3帯に区分された。Zone 3の時期には、ササ属(おもにミヤコザサ節)を主体とする草原が発達していたが、最終氷期最寒冷期にあたるZone 2の時期には、火山活動の活発化もあり、草原植生は衰退傾向にあった。また、完新世のZone 1の時期は一貫してススキ属が優占する草原が継続しており、これには人為による火入れが関与していた可能性が示唆された。さらに阿蘇火山周辺域では、母材供給速度が大きいときには褐色土層が、小さいときには黒ボク土壌が形成されており、その境界となるテフラ噴出率は0.1~0.2km^3/kyの間にあると推定された。, A 30,000-year record of vegetation change has been constructed using phytolith analysis from a tephra sequence located at the east of Aso caldera, central Kyushu, southwestern Japan. The sequence was divided into three zones : Zone 3(ca. 32-30cal ka), Zone 2(30-13.5cal ka), and Zone 1(13.5-0cal ka), in ascending order. Gramineae phytoliths were predominantly detected from most horizones, whereas a small amount of arboreal phytolith was observed at a few Holocene horizons. Zone 3 was dominated by a Sasa grassland (mainly Sasa sect. Crassinodi), suggesting a cool and dry climate. However, the Sasa grassland declined due to violent volcanic activity of Aso Volcano in Zone 2, which corresponds to the Last Glacial Maximum. During Holocene time (Zone 1) a Miscanthus grassland continued consistently for more than 10,000years. The long continuation of the Miscanthus grassland might be related to artificial burning. In and around Aso Volcano, brownish soil layers were formed when the accumulation rate of soil parent materials (tephra) was high, whereas blackish humic soil layers were formed when the rate was low. The tephra discharge rate boundary between the formation of brownish and blackish soil layers is estimated at 0.1-0.2km^3/ky., https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jaqua/45/1/45_1_15/_article/-char/ja/}, pages = {15--28}, title = {阿蘇カルデラ東方域のテフラ累層における最近約3万年間の植物珪酸体分析}, volume = {45}, year = {2006}, yomi = {スギヤマ, シンジ and ミヤブチ, ヤスオ and スギヤマ, シンジ} }