@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00031197, author = {モクスン, ジョナサン and Moxon, Jonathan}, journal = {熊本大学社会文化研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 論文(Article), In this paper, evidence for the role of the executive functions (EFs) in the processes of second language (L2) acquisition, with particular emphasis on interactionally-driven L2 acquisition, is examined. A brief review of EF theory is provided with special reference to Miyake et al.'s (2000) shifting, updating and inhibition model precedes a survey of the empirical evidence for the roles these EFs play in L2 proficiency and performance. I examine how EF capacities may interface with interactional-driven L2 acquisition with reference to a learner-as-information-processor metaphor and conceptualise the role each EF may play in noticing, noticing the gap and modified output. The small body of existing research investigating these processes is reviewed, and in the light of this, the article concludes with suggestions for the future trajectory for this important area of L2 research., この論文では、第二言語習得の過程、特に対話(interaction)を通じての第二言語習得において実行機能(executive functions)がどのような役割を果たすかに注目する。まずMiyake et al (2000)が提案した課題ルールのシフト(shifting)、情報の更新(updating)、抑制(inhibition)モデルを中心に実行機能の理論を整理した後、その実行機能が第二言語習熟度と技能の関連を取り扱った量的先行研究をレビューする。さらに第二言語習得者を情報処理者と考えるモデルを基に、実行機能が対話を通した第二言語習得における「気づき」、「目標言語との違い」、「修正アウトプットの発信」にどのような役割を果たすかを論じる。実行機能と対話を通じた第二言語習得の関係を論じた先行研究の現状を踏まえ、この重要な領域における今後の研究の方向性について提案する。}, pages = {223--241}, title = {Shifting, Updating and Inhibition in Interaction-driven Second Language Acquisition : A Critical Review of the Evidence}, volume = {17}, year = {2019} }