@article{oai:kumadai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00034972, author = {中川, 輝彦 and Teruhiko, Nakagawa}, journal = {人文科学論叢, Kumamoto journal of humanities}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper examines the formation of the concept of evidence-based medicine(EBM) in physician culture by analyzing articles on EBM published in medical journals between November 1992 and January 1996. The analysis focused on contestation over EBM. The results revealed that articles supporting and criticizing EBM, although seemingly at odds with each other, share a common view. In other words, together, the papers defending and denying EBM constituted a rhetoric that promoted the “probabilization of medicine”.}, pages = {83--102}, title = {EBMの誕生 : 「医療の確率化」のレトリック}, volume = {4}, year = {2023}, yomi = {ナカガワ, テルヒコ} }